She Didn't Pick My Calls, Ignored My Messages - Andrew Mwenda On Sheebah Karungi Allegation

Posted on May 13, 2022
By LTAuthor


Andrew Mwenda has called out singer Sheebah Karungi for what he calls her publicity stunt, dismissing her claim to have been assaulted as pure fiction and ‘sickening’.

“A local musician known as Sheeba Kalungi went on YouTube with a video. She claimed that some man who appears on television and presents himself as a role model raped her. She does not reveal the name of this man but claims this man has SFC guards and that the incident happened at an event where she performed. Yet she does not mention the event, the date, time and place of her rape,” he says.

“Sheeba claims, again with characteristic ambiguity, that this man violated her body to her disgust but she does not specify whether it was rape or indecent assault. But she claims he did so in the presence of her staff in her car and was protected by his guards from SFC. “

“I find it strange that a woman of her stature can be violated in such a humiliating and painful experience and instead of reporting the offender to the police, she takes the matter onto social media. To gain what? Sympathy? Why not seek justice through the police and the courts? In any case she could have pursued both: sympathy in the public sphere and justice in the courts of law,” he adds.

Not done, Mwenda fires off some more recriminations.

“When her video came out, someone went on social media claiming that I was that person who raped her. I have never in my life met this Sheeba and had never even heard of her until this video came out and allegations made against me. When I watched the video I gave her the benefit of the doubt believing she is a descent (sic) person. I expected her, seeing how viral these allegations have gone, to come out and say I am being wrongly accused since I have never met her. She has kept stone silent. “

Mwenda appears to be furious about Sheebah’s “psychopathy”, we shall await her response in this ongoing saga.


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