Pato Loverboy Shines Brightest In Sold Out Obinen Concert At Acholi Inn Hotel

Posted on Sep 04, 2023
By LTAuthor


The much anticipated 'Obinen Concert' finally went down on Saturday and it saw Pato Loverboy ''the river crocodile'' entertain mammoth crowds at his sold out to the fullest at Acholi Inn Gulu.

Pato Loverboy set out his performance sending the already-charged revelers into a frenzy as he took attendees back to the memory lane with his old music and midway through his performance. He delivered an impressive performance with blended smoothly live band.

The Obinen Concert concert was full in circle as Lucky Dee and Pato Loverboy later treated the fans to their joint effort 'Lworo Benega", and later Mixola and Mighty Aaron closed it off.

Several other musicians like Judas Rapknowledge, Opiyo Geoffrey Twongweno, Jenneth Prischa, BeePee, Mr Dee, Allan Smokie, Tam Noffy, Patz Culture, Man CJ, Foxy Boy Commando and Navi Docta among others featured at the event.

Prior to Pato Loverboy's Obinen Concert, he thanked all that joined hands together with him to walk this journey and made it successful.

His next stop is now Bomah Hotel Kitgum on 9th and Front Page Lira on 10th September 2023 respectively to wrap up the concert.


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