MP Lillian Aber Speaks About Her Husband's Death

Posted on May 24, 2023
By LTAuthor


Lilian Aber, the woman MP of Kitgum district has had quite a roller-coaster of a life. One tragic one is the tragic loss of her husband. The MP while appearing on NBS TV’s People and Power said that her husband succumbed to cancer.

This was one of the most trying moments for her. It happened at a time when she was heading into campaigns. This was for the presidency of the Uganda National Students Association (UNSA).

However, she had to quickly put this behind her as she didn’t want to dwell on it much. Her voters however couldn’t fathom what she had been through. However, she used this as her strength and stood firm.

“My husband died of cancer; I knew how it would end so I did not want to waste much time dwelling on it. I did not want to give up the Uganda National Students Association (UNSA) elections. I got the car and my children and came back to Kampala and started campaigns. My voters could not tell what I had been through. That was my strength.”

Meanwhile the NRM aligning MP revealed how her husband had sent her back to school after she gave birth.

Unfortunately, during one school term, she got pregnant but didn’t know how because she had been using contraceptives all along. Since she couldn’t go back to school, she decided to concentrate and read from home.

“I went back to Old Kampala Senior Secondary School, and everything was going well until I got pregnant in the second term. I don’t know how it happened. And I was taking contraceptives and taking my doses properly. I knew I could not go back to school, so I decided to sit and read at home. I collected notes, pamphlets, and past papers from my friends."


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