Lamwo Grade One Magistrate Perish In Nasty Road Accident

Posted on Mar 17, 2022
By LTAuthor

The newly appointed Lamwo Grade One Magistrate Francis Opio died a few days after getting involved in a nasty road accident.

Opio Francis who had only worked for four months passed away on Monday following injuries he  sustained while traveling on a motorbike to visit his parents.

According to reports, the deceased was involved in a motorbike accident last Friday from work and was traveling to Gulu to see his family.

His death was however confirmed by James Kermani, the judiciary spokesperson.

"It's true. He had an accident last week passed on Monday 14, March, 2022," - He said.

The death has thrown people of Lamwo district into mourning at time when they have just welcomed a new magistrate in the office.

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