Gulu University receives computers donation from Centenary Bank.

Posted on Oct 28, 2024
By LTAuthor


On Monday 28th, October 2024, Gulu University received computers donation worth Ugx. 10,000,000 from Centenary Bank. The donations include two desktops and a laptop including a multi-tasking printer.

Muhabuzi Benon Benedict the Regional Manager, Northern Region and Opeero David Moses, the Gulu Centenary Branch Manager led the team who met the University top management from the university boardroom where they delivered the assortment.

According to Muhabuzi Benon Benedict, the Centenary Bank Regional Manager said they got notification from the university in July this year and quickly arranged to provide and promised that the Bank is interested in supporting the university with more electronics in the near future.

The Bank also used the opportunity to give details about their credit services to the staff including unveiling the laptop computer loan scheme for both the staff and the students.

Prof. Openjuru, George Ladaah, the Vice-Chancellor thanked the team for the consideration and delivering the items and said the university is proud of Centenary Bank as a great partner.

Obol David Otori, the University Secretary accepted the deliveries on behalf of the university management and promised Centenary Bank that the donation is timely and shall be put to good use.


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