Lango Artists roast Prince Yubu for claiming they are gamblers

Posted on Sep 03, 2024
By LTAuthor
Gospel artist Onyong Yubu, alias Prince Yubu, is being roasted on the internet over his controversial statement on Lango musicians.  
Prince Yubu gathered all the confidence last week and said 'there are no musicians in Lango and all that we see as musicians are gamblers. 
Below are some of the reactions from the lango music fraternity over Prince Yubu's statements.
"You tried music and you failed,... Singer Lil Square.
Ojoe Da Don said "I am a great Hustler, and some people like Yubu may call it a great gambler, and if it's so,I don't care so longest my hustling or gambling doesn't turn me to beg or steal from anyone,I understand life different the way he understands it, I am doing this and that so that be what I want to be in my life,so if Yubu call it gambling then I personally am okay with it,no time to over react on his own opinions.but the truth life start with gambling and after all that struggling God put you where you can succeed,my fellow lango artists let's watch the space just from now but the guy is smart he wanted to trend and he is already trending in his own way,so let's just keep on doing our best so that we build lango music together the way our other brothers are doing in their land and beyond, have a good Sunday and forgive him he doesn't know what he is talking about." 
DJ Young Ug ''Short height, short view, short thoughts, he's just short in everything.'' 
Arthur Dime Da Luo "YOU MAY HAVE TALENT IN LIFE BUT YOUR BAD CHARACTERS CAN KILL IT... style up mi young bredda Fram anadda Mother #PrinceYubu ((((((((Style up)))))) we are struggling and sacrificing a lot for Lango Music your mouth. 
Gyes Slence Igwee reacted; ''Those who teases that  there ain't no musician in lango, am tired of sitting on your bulshit how about you step forward and challenge me directly in a professional way or hire anyone from any Region,country or planet am stocked,gifted beyond even talented just musically whatever way u want  but before you step your ass up be warned my secret library is something beyond your imaginations and your capacity ?? anyway you are just stupid instead start minding ur businesses if you can't embrace your own regional arts to us it's business helping us push on and helping our families and friends we don't beg or steal.
Ibedo ka acalo aming,kwiya ping, goro wic kede wanya??
I appreciate those who embraces us tirelessly plz keep the love and support ?? I value you alot.''

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