Gulu local fakes graveyards to receive road compensation fund from the division council

Posted on Jan 12, 2024
By LTAuthor


Authorities in Pece-Laroo division in Gulu city has warns locals in Gulu city against carrying out bricks laying practices and a business on road reserve as dry season commence and threatened that any body atet will be found culpable shall be penalised 

The warning follows rampant brick laying practices of bricks on many of the road reserves within the city.

It has been observed by local leaders that residents once the road is pegged, they launch brick laying practices on those proposed roads with the intention that the holes created will be refilled by road constructors during road opening. 

Geoffrey Otim, the division Mayor for Larro-Pece divisions, says some of the holes created on the proposed road by bricks layers are now causing road accidents in some of the areas within his division.

Otim lamented that refilling some large holes  opened by brick layers consume a lot of fuel and waste much time during roads opening. 

Akena Geoffrey Oscar, the Laroo-Pece division secretary for work and technical services says the council has passed the bylaw that will penalise anyone found culpable by serving 6 month imprisonment.

However  Eng. Sunday Oola, the division engineer working in all the two Gulu city divisions explained that road reserve are used for the installation of underground utilities lines such as telecommunication line, water pipe line, electricity line, sewerage line among other however he advises the local to used the road reserve to plant grass, flowers and some short crop for beautification purposes.

Currently a number of people in Gulu city are engaging in brick laying businesses in a stride to enhance household income.


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