Explore North: Stakeholders in Acholi Ask Gov`t to Develop Domestic Tourism

Posted on Jun 06, 2023
By LTAuthor


The Cultural leader of the Patiko Clanship under the Acholi chiefdom has asked the government to promote domestic tourism in Northern Uganda.

Rwot Collins Atiko Muttu urged the government to inject more money and develop the numerous tourism sites across the region, something he says would, in turn, attract more visitors.

Rwot Atiko stated in his address to the State Minister for Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Martin Mugarra during the ‘’Explore North’’ tourism excursion in Northern Uganda in Fort Patiko in Gulu district last week.

Minister Mugarra was flanked by a number of prominent figures and travel enthusiasts including Comedian Teacher Ampiire, Kickboxer Moses Golola, Singer Jose Chameleon, and, beauty pageants among other stakeholders.

Rwot Atiko identified a number of tourism potentials in the Acholi subregion including Aruu Falls in Pader district, Murchison Falls in Nwoya, and Fort Patiko in Gulu district among others.

He noted that the sites and its surrounding still have poor access roads, are underfunded, have no accommodation, risky walkways, and poor facilities hence limiting their potential.

He also emphasized that the government formalizes revenue-sharing with the hosting communities by signing a memorandum of understanding.

"We are very excited, we hope the Ministry of Tourism and the government of Uganda will elevate tourism in Northern Uganda and make this place vibrant in tourism. We have a lot of potential for tourists to visit. We need to enhance them and we seek your support.’’ Rwot Atiko said.

Rwot Atiko`s request adds to the concerns of leaders and stakeholders from the Pader and Nwoya districts who equally tasked the government to enhance funding to the tourism sector, develop hotels and roads, and ensure the security and safety of tourists.

Pader and Nwoya districts specifically are known for the giant Aruu Falls in Angagura Sub County and Murchison Falls National Game Park hosting hundreds of wildlife and birds respectively.

In response, Martin Mugarra, the Minister of State of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities pledged the government`s commitment to address the matters crippling the efficiency of tourism in the Northern region and other parts of the country.

For instance, he said that the government has earmarked 800 million shillings this financial year to develop Aruu Falls in the Pader district, this, he explains is an addition to many ongoing initiatives to support the tourism sector.

 The ‘’Explore North’’ campaign sought to reawaken tourism potentials in the Northern Region right from physical features to lifestyles and culture. It ran between May 30th to June 3rd this year.


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