Video: Mapenduzi's personal assistant switches sides, join Gen Otema Awany

Posted on Jun 01, 2024
By LTAuthor


The Bardege-Layibi Division Member of Parliament, Hon Ojara Martin Mapenduzi's personal assistant, Jolly Komakech, has announced his departure and joined Gen. Charles Otema Awany camp as 2026 near. 

Jolly who has been working for Hon Ojara Martin Mapenduzi close to five years has switched sides after the legislator laying him off duties due to some inner misunderstandings.

Jolly started working for the legislator in 2021 as his personal assistant and later served at his radio station Choice Fm Gulu as the programme manager before he was transferred to City Club where he was a supervisor before crossing to his threat.

The former Speak FM presenter was received by Gen. Otema Awany to his camp after listening to the sad side of his story.

According to Jolly, he has been a free agent who was looking for a club to join and now that he has joined Gen Otema Awany in fighting the 68% of poverty that is in Acholi.

Here is the full video of how his personal assistant joined the general group>>

"The previous years during campaigns, I have been in Arigorwot here. I was contesting for councillor five (5) for Bar-Dege-Layibi South but unfortunately I didn't make it. Most of my work, I was working at Radio Speak for almost 10 years. I used to host a powerful talk show known as oyeng yeng which shakes places. I served for almost 10 years. After the election results didn't return as I expected, I left for kampala and you remember very well during campaigns I was moving together with your MP who is now in parliament. I worked in parliament from 2021 to October 2022 then he brought me back to look after his radio station which is called Choice Fm and afterward, he took me to supervise his hangout place known as City Club famously known as Former Alobo so I performed my duties.'' - he lamented 

"Two months ago, when my job ended for the reason which I cannot disclose here but General has the knowledge about it because the report reached him and he called me and I met him then we had a long conversation. He listened to me and I am happy that even though I am young some of my advice you are following." - He added 

He concluded, "You all know and most of you support soccer, you know very well that each and every club if the player's contract is done, he should look for another club or else clubs come to look for him so you weigh which club has a contract that suits you. So for the period of two months I was just relaxing like a free agent seeing offers. You know very well that players like Rafina moved from Leeds United to Barcelona and right now I'm in Barcelona with Gen Otema. We are seeing how we are fighting the 68% of poverty in Acholi. Ladit General I want to thank you so much. If all plans could be like the way you are seeing." 


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