Uganda's renowned duo artists, Kent and Flosso voltage music are performing at the weekly comedy show hosted by Mc Kash Owakabi dubbed 'Laugh With Owakabi Comedy Show'.
The weekly comedy show host, the celebrated events emcee and the president of Laugh With Owakabi Comedy Show, Mc Kash Owakabi announced earlier this week that the duo singers will be spearheading tomorrow's 24th January 2020 comedy show at Eyemax Cinema Auditorium.
The duo artists are performing alongside top comedians such as Ojur Kwon, Lapir, Palaring, Bouncer, Mc Kwass, Dj Richie, Mc Young Moni, Dj Joel among others.
Early bird tickets are available at Eyemax Cinema Auditorium at 10k and late tickets go for 15k.