Signature Filmz CEO Wongang Linas And Long Time Lover Eunice Awaro Expecting First Baby

Posted on Aug 11, 2020
By LTAdminxxx


The latest news on our desk indicates that signature films director Otim Oscar Wekesa alias Wongang Linas and long time lover(now wife) Eunice Awaro are yet to receive their first bundle of joy. 

This comes after friends to Eunice throw a huge baby showers party to her over the weekend.

Eunice the signature films CEO, Linas babe is now 8 months pregnant and will deliver any time from today.

Speaking to Linas who is soon to become a dad, he told the website that they are welcoming a new member of their family very soon.

"Everything is almost done by September we will be welcoming our firstborn baby'' excited Linas reveals.

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