Gulu Regional Referral Hospital Discharged Her First COVID-19 Patient

Posted on May 22, 2020
By LTAuthorxxxx


Gulu Regional Referral Hospital has on Thursday 21st May discharged a 41-year-old truck driver who tested Covid-19 positive patient who was being treated at the hospital after full recovery.

The 41- year old truck driver was diagnosed with COVID 19, after his samples were taken from Elegu border point in Amuru district early this month.

Speaking at a function to see off the patient, Gulu Regional referral hospital Director Dr James Elima called for psychosocial support among those recovering from COVID 19,

“Our first person to recover from COVID 19 is already in fear and at the moment, we are trying to do counselling both to him and his family so that as he returns home he is welcomed’ he said.

The Chairperson of the Gulu COVID- 19 Taskforce, Maj Lapolo Santo Okot, also denounced the stigma associated with COVID 19, in the community.

“Mass sensitization among the local is needed so that the community gets to know the dangers pointing fingers at both the confirmed people, suspected and those that have recovered,’’ he said.

To him, if the stigma is not addressed, many sick people will keep in hiding for long when it comes to community contacts.

State Minister for Health Dr Joyce Moriku Kaducu advised the health caregivers not to abandon other services in hospitals, adding that it’s not only COVID 19 that needs attention.

According to Dr Kaducu, a lot has been given to COVID 19, but malaria, expectant mothers and immunization of children have been forgotten when it comes to service delivery in the hospitals.

“Mothers and children have died of a sickness that is preventable since more energies are put on COVID 19, lets also give adequate time to other illness at the health facilities across,’’ she said.

The isolation centre at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital has 14 suspected cases, with 54 at the quarantine centre

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