Why Facebook Silenced Pat Robert Larubi, A Disability And Human Rights Activist?

Posted on May 11, 2020
By LTAuthorxxxx


Pat Robert Larubi, a Northern Ugandan based independent investigative journalist and a re-known disability and human rights activist will have to wait a little longer to touch base with his fans after Facebook banned activities on his account.

Known for consistently sharing latest news and information “Blogging” Pat went mute for a couple of weeks and prompted a search for him by his ardent fans.

 “Banange guys where is Pat? he seems to have gone with the lockdown. He last posted on his wall on the 9th April 2020 and never resurfaced to date” wrote one of his close follower.

On visiting his page, an alert message revealed that some restriction had been imposed on his account by Facebook claiming he had “Pat” had violated their community standard policy.

When contacted on phone, Pat confirmed the incidence saying indeed his interaction on Facebook had be restricted after he posted gruesome pictures of violence melted on a group of women in Elegu by security officers enforcing a curfew

“There has been a number of issues regarding the violation of people’s rights by security operatives at both local and national level. In Elegu for example women where inhumanely treated while in Agago district a 25-year-old deaf / Mute boy only identified as Oloya Willis got his leg amputated following a nasty shooting incidence that nearly sent him to his early grave by a group of Local Defense unit (LDU) officers enforcing a curfew” Pat said.

Adding that, the publication of the said pictures was aimed at bringing into the spotlight the pain, sorrow and agony of Ugandans engulfed by the action of some uncouth men in Uniform who had widely misinterpreted the Presidential directives on curfew.

He says many took the directives to trample the rights of vulnerable and voiceless Ugandans at their own discretion irrespective of the set human rights law and standards.

However, he is presently not sure when he will regain autonomy over his account but hopeful that all these will come to pass.
 Who is Pat Robert Larubi? He is an independent investigative journalist, a professional photographer, TV documentary film producer and a blogger. Mental health advocate and an award-winning disability and human rights activist behind Pats Journal – Ultimate Albinism Voice Magazine.

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