Arua City FC players, officials nursing injuries after a head on car crash in Bondo

Posted on Mar 11, 2024
By LTAuthor


Arua City football players and officials were on Saturday 9th March involved in a head on collision traffic crash near Bondo as they were traveling back after taking on Nebbi Central FC at Luo Grounds. 

According to reports, the tragic incident happened at approximately 7:50pm when the bus they were traveling in lost control and collided with another vehicle in Arua District.

The official statement from the club revealed at-least nine people have been admitted to hospital after suffering huge injuries.

Those that were massively wounded are, Gibson Elinan, George Munguci, Emma Okello, Boniface Guci, Atabo Boniface Gigi and Abdul Aziz Ayiko while the two officials are technical director, Rashid Apangu, Team Doctor, Mike Ejua.

In the same statement, the club chairperson, Lumu Musa said that what mattered most to him was for the injured to get quick medication.

“Our immediate priority was to ensure, the injured received prompt medical attention, therefore they were swiftly transported to Arua Regional Referral Hospital for treatment,” he was quoted.

“We are closely monitoring their conditions and providing them with the necessary support and care during this challenging time,” he added.

Arua City FC takes part in the West Nile Regional League and is owned by the Arua City Council.


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