Accident has no time - Okeng Borntown speaks out on how he survived the tragic accident

Posted on Dec 05, 2023
By LTAuthor


Musician turned politician Okeng Borntown has finally spoken out after he was involved in a nasty accident together with his colleague on Wednesday 29th November 2023.

According to Okeng, the car in which they were traveling lost control and overturned several times along the Aboke-Ngai road as they returned from barowello market from meeting with some of his business partners.

In an interview, the singer explained that accident has no time and the accident occurred at the time when they were trying to avoid knocking death some four drunkards who were from the same market while drunk.

"Accident has no time. On our way coming back from barowello what happened is that we met with some four drunkards who were from the market riding on a motorcycle while drunk at the time when we were turning at a junction, one of them tried to jump off pushing the others in front of us. So instead of us knocking them, we had to branch to the bush and the car overturned several times leaving us with minor injuries.'' 


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