Northern artists should stop branding themselves as Northern Ugandan artists because it's limiting them from many opportunities - Jackie Tukdel urges artists

Posted on Nov 28, 2023
By LTAuthor


Jackie Tukdel, the director of Livin Hotel Gulu and Tukdel coffee has urged musicians from Northern Uganda to stop branding themselves as Northern Ugandan artists because it's limiting them from very many opportunities.

Jackie made the statement during Pretty B's concert press conference last week when she came in as one of the sponsors for the concert.

Jackie who has spent most of her life in America, said since she came back home it's a great opportunity to support people within the music industry because she has realized that there is a lot of talent in Northern Uganda.

"Since I am back home, I thought it would be a good opportunity to support people within the music industry cause we have a lot of great talent in Northern Uganda but I feel like they are not being supported enough to their music to that next level. So I am here to support Pretty B the best way we can, I think she is a very humble person. I have only known her for a very short period of time but I talk with her very well. She is such a lovely person when she comes to our hotel Livin. She is so jolly so why not support a person like Pretty B so I wish her the best and I hope that we can take this music industry to the next level. And I think we should get away from the fact that we always name ourselves Northern Ugandan artists, we are just artists because we heard as Northern you are limiting yourselves. So let's now start promoting ourselves as artists instead of Northern Uganda artists." - She stated.

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