Gulu city council eulogies Ms Lamunu Penina, education icon

Posted on Nov 10, 2023
By LTAuthor


Gulu city council on Friday paid tributes to Mrs. Lamunu Penina Pieramoi an educationist who served Acholi sub region in promoting quality education.

The late body wrapped in white casket was rolled into Gulu city council hall at 1:38 for the council to pay their last respect.

This unusual council meeting was presided over by Akena Lambert Lamex, the Gulu city deputy speaker.

The motion for welcoming to the council was moved by Angeyo Christine Olok Gulu city deputy mayor and the councilor representing workers league in Gulu city.

In her motion Olok described Mego late Lamunu Penina Pieramoi as a great personality, mother, teacher, sister and a tutor.

Honorable Morish Odong, the directly elected councilor V for Laroo –pece division North constituency says there is no word the man can choose to describe what a personality the late Lamunu was!, He cheered Lamunu for serving humanity and offering her home to serve a total of 14 dependent people.

Adding that the her has gone, if she can take care of 14 dependents and everybody is to embrace that humanitarian heart we would have not had and destitute in the street of Gulu city

 Susan Acan, the female councilor representing Laroo-Pece south constituency proposed for the road to be named after the late Mego Lamunu in her memory.

Luboyo Doreen Aber the councilor representing Bardege Layibi south constituency and secretary health education and social services remembered Lamunu   as a champion in promoting quality education in Acholi, well-mannered teacher, and disciplined teachers with undisputable legacies.

Ogwetta Andrew Otto, the directly elected councilor for Laroo-Pece division thanks God for the gift of life rendered to Mego Lamunu, in his submission Ogwetta proposed for public lecture to discuss the education issues in Acholi while reflecting on the legacies set by the late Lamunu.

According to Ogwetta, Acholi sub-regions still transport their children to look for education in other sub-regions as if we have got no brain to offer quality education service to our children.The proposed that one memorial block of classroom  should be buld  at Police vanguard primary school where she served and got  retired from in 2018.

Samuel Oduny, the councilor representing an older Person in Gulu city cried that Lamunu demise has left a dark shadow in Acholi.

Geffrey Otim, the Pece-Laroo division Mayor assured mourners that the Laroo-Pece division is going to name the road after the late Lamunu adding that the road must be 1 kilometer and above and will be fully maintained.

Pieramoi Henry Lawaok, the late husband, remembered her wife as humbled as the caring mother he stayed with for 45 years.

He told the mourners that his wife died of  cancer from Kampala international hospital on 4th November 2023 at 5:30 in the head of the doctors.

The late Lamunu was born on the 15th May 1958 and died on the 04th November 2023 she survived with 4 children and 14 dependents

 She studied at Kitgum public primary school in 1968 -1974 PLE, from 1975-1978 studied her “O” Level at Nabisunsa Girls SSS,

In 1980-1982 she joined Canon Lawrence Core PTC where she was trained as grade III Teacher, later in 1990- 1992 Lamunu joined Unyama NTC for a diploma in secondary education.

In 2000-2003 joined Makerere University for bachelor in art education, administration and early childhood development.

Lamunu taught in Kitgum primary school as grade III teacher in 1979-1980, and in Pandwang primary school from 1984-1990.

From 1992 -1994 she taught in Kitgum high school among other schools. However, she was in 2001-2003 posted to Vanguard primary school as acting head teachers.

Lamunu was a director of Mamma Catherine nursery primary school in Bajere, Ayul and Laroo campus both in Kitgum municipality and Gulu city.

At the time she died She was a member of the public account committee of Gulu city and was in many leadership positions of schools in Acholi sub region.

Her body will be laid to rest in her home in Laroo Boke cell in Laroo-Pece division in Gulu city on Saturday.


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