NUBFA Announces Dates For Mr & Miss Acholi Bodybuilding Competition

Posted on Sep 12, 2023
By LTAuthor


Northern Uganda Bodybuilding and Fitness Association has confirmed the date for the first edition of Mr and Miss  Acholi Bodybuilding competition.

The first edition will see a lot of sports activities like Bodybuilding, Bikini, Body Physics and arm wrestling competition.

"Mr and Miss Acholi Bodybuilding, Bikini, Body Physics and arm wrestling competition is on the 26 of November 2023 venue Plan B Bar and lounge Gulu city Northern Uganda. Come and support home talent together we can."

During a press conference last month at Plan B Bar and lounge Gulu, the chairman of the association Ojok Micheal said they are organizing a sub-regional completion which will be held in Gulu for the participants in the 10 Acholi district and city inclusive. 

He also stated that the coming together of the association is already paying off as incidence report has reduced due to their teaching on professionalism and discipline for the growth of the young industry in Northern Uganda.

They are no longer fighting in clubs, beating people on the way, including the bouncers. We are trying to change their mindset because people who do bodybuilding are associated to violence, fighting and stealing but now we are teaching them to realize that it is a sport which can change their lives and the lives of their families,” says Ojok.

Similar activities will be held in Lira for Lango districts and Arua for West Nile subregion and finalize it for general greater northern Uganda.

The event is scheduled to take place on the November 26th 2023 at Plan B Bar and Lounge in Gulu City.


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