Woman Survives Lynching by Angry Mob For Practicing Lesbianism In Zombo

Posted on Mar 24, 2023
By LTAuthor


Police in Zombo district are holding 18-year-old woman for allegedly practicing lesbianism with three minors.

The suspect Be-God-future Ayaa, a resident of Karombo village in Zombo town council was rescued by the police on Monday 20th March 2023 after angry residents attempted to lynch her for allegedly sexually abusing three primary school girls.

Maureen Kitembo, the Officer in Charge of Crime Investigations in Zombo, says that Police have examined Ayaa and one of her victims and confirmed that the suspect has been seducing and having sexual intercourse with her.

According to Kitembo, the 16-year-old told police that Ayaa has been having sexual intercourse with her more than four times and the last incident was last week. She revealed that two other minors are still at large.

She says that the suspect will be charged with engaging in an  unnatural offense contrary to section 145 (a) of the penal code act.

Margarete Amony, the Zombo Town Agent, says that the community  was suspicious about the behavior of the suspect since the beginning of this month prompting them to interrogate her.

Ismail Mustafa, the LC I Chairperson of Karombo Village,  revealed that the last incident happened on Sunday night at 8 pm when the suspect was found having sex with a primary six girl.

This week, parliament passed the Anti-Homosexual Bill 2023, which  seeks to criminalize identification with and promotion of LGBTQ+ activities.

The bill that has since drawn condemnation from human rights activists is awaiting the assent of the president, Yoweri Museveni before it becomes law.


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