The University In Question Is Gulu University - Mwaka Emmanuel

Posted on Mar 15, 2023
By LTAuthor


The political scene at Gulu University is filled with various circumstances that require  analysis. Firstly, the university in question is Gulu University, which is located in northern Uganda. 

The ruling political party in Uganda is the National Resistance Movement (NRM), but their disorganization and selfish ambitions have led to the rigging of primaries and the declaration of undeserving winners. This situation should catch the attention of the larger NRM party structure.

Additionally, other candidates outside the NRM party, such as the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) and independent Acholi candidates, are busy laying the groundwork for their campaigns. 

However, the road map that came in early February and the shifting of events have made the election period seem short.

Another challenge is the existence of too many Acholi candidates in the race, which reduces their  
chances of winning even in their own land. Although this may appear as tribalism, it is an important aspect of political strategy. 

These candidates belong to different professions or callings, and their true selves may be hidden from the public eye. Nonetheless, this political struggle will ultimately reveal who they are.

Lastly, the turn of events this year is not much different from last year, and therefore, similar results are expected. In summary, the Gulu University political scene is fraught with challenges, including NRM's disorganization, the prevalence of many Acholi candidates, and the short election period. 

These challenges will shape the outcomes of the elections and ultimately determine the future leadership of the university.

By Mwaka Emmanuel Ochora,
Bsc. International Relations and Security Studies. (Year II SEM II),


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