Amuru District Registers 174 Cases Of Tuberculosis

Posted on Nov 08, 2022
By LTAuthor


Geoffrey Ocan, Secretary health Amuru said that the cases were registered during a community testing and treatment exercise, conducted in September and October this year.

Ocan explained that over 1,543 samples of sputum were collected randomly from the community and schools and subjected to test from different health facilities in the district.

Clovis Goodluck oywello , District health educator says that those were confirmed positive have been enrolled for treatment, adding that the district health department has enough medical supplies.

TB and leprosy focal point person Luis obalo said that they are struggling to diagnose and treat TB patients due to luck of an X-ray machine.

The X-ray machine plays a crucial role in detecting TB in the patient’s lung once samples from urine, saliva and mucus have been collected.


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