Panic: First Case Of Coronavirus Confirmed In Kenya

Posted on Mar 13, 2020
By LTAuthorxxxx


The Ministry of Health, Kenya has on Friday confirmed the first case of coronavirus outbreak in the country which is putting the entire country in panic.

According to Kenyan Health CS Mr Mutahi Kagwe, there is a Kenyan citizen who returned to the country from the US via London on March 5 and on Thursday 12 March was tested positive.

However, the patient condition is said to be stable and the temperature has gone down of which she will be released from Kenyatta National hospital's infectious unit where she is receiving special treatments until she is confirmed negative.

The Kenyan government has also suspended all visits to prison for the next 30 days. Also suspended all public gatherings, church crusades, games, and even interschool events. Travel outside the country suspended unless absolutely necessary. Zero travel to countries with a high Coronavirus outbreak.

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