Gospe Singer Bernard Otim Over The Moon After Finding Out He's Among The Few Lucky People With Blood Group Type O+

Posted on Sep 24, 2021
By LTAuthorxxxx


The celebrated gospel singer Bernard Otim is over the moon filled with happiness after finding out he is among people with blood group type O positive.

Imara singer who happens be among the few lucky people with the blood group took to Facebook to celebrate his blood group type.

"Today I overcame syringe fear By Donating Blood For The First Time.'

"Donating blood had never been my desire but today I was properly concerned. I had gone to Lacor for antenatal but as soon as we were done, a friend of mine called me that her dad is in need of blood, that I could help. He is Group O+, I could not hesitate when I saw the condition of the father. Ran sample test and found out that I am also Group O+ too and everything was okey.''

"Friends looking around Blood Donation lab I saw many kind hearted people who have gone to donate too for other patients. God is working in people and through people.''

"I Advice You To Check Your Blood Groups, You Never Know You Can Be Of Help To Somebody One Day."

Type O positive blood is given to patients more than any other blood type, which is why it's considered the most needed blood type. 38% of the population has O positive blood, making it the most common blood type.  Those with O positive blood can only receive transfusions from O positive or O negative blood types. People with blood group O can donate red blood cells to anybody 

The singer was given a reason to jump over the roof after finding out about his blood group.

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