Fallen Singer Beniman Mzeeb's Daughter Eunice Edina Scores First Grade In U.C.E Finals

Posted on Aug 02, 2021
By LTAuthorxxxx


The flawless daughter to the fallen Northern Uganda music king Beenie Man Mzee B, Eunice Edina has scored division one in the recently released senior four exams.

Eunice who is currently living in the hand of manager Ghetto Prince scored aggregate 27 in UCE finals putting big smiles allover the fallen singers' followers faces who went throwing her congratulatory messages in comment section.

It should be noted that when the King was seriously ill, he asked his manager Ghetto Prince to take care of his two children.

The excited manager Prince took to Facebook ''Star family we have good news for u...UCE results 2020 is out today and our daughter Eunice Edina of the late King Beniman brought home #First Grade congrats daughter.'

"Daddy would be here congratulating u but in his absence still u have made him proud en I know wherever he is, he is so happy...Eunice got 27 aggregate first grade, #2Stars Ent..Star family forever @Manager Prince, Star mum Hope Figureboy and star dad figureboy Ojee Doc and manager Isaac.' he concluded.

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