Mapenduzi Appointed Chairperson Local Gov'ts Accounts Committee of 11th Parliament By NUP

Posted on May 31, 2021
By LTAdminxxx


National Unity Platform (NUP) has on Friday appointed former LCV Gulu District and now MP elect for Bardege Layibi Division Gulu City, Ojara Martin Mapenduzi as the new Chairperson, Local Government Accounts Committee of the 11th parliament despite being an independent candidate.

Mapenduzi’s appointment was announced on Friday amongst several members of NUP by the NUP Secretary General, Mr David Lewis Rubongoya, a week after members of the 11th Parliament were sworn-in 

Martin Ojara Mapenduzi's appointment to National Unitt Platform left many in shock after allegations of joining NRM earlier in Month of February 2021. 

In the other hand, Ojara Martin Mapenduzi claimed to be an independent candidate in the 11th parliament but here comes he has been given a position in National Unity Platform.

Meanwhile, Lucy Akello the Amuru District Woman Member of Parliament was appointed Vice Chairperson, COSASE.

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