kitgum Man commit sucide in his hut

Posted on Jan 05, 2024
By LTAuthor


Residents of Guda village, Pugoda East parish Namokora sub-county in Kitgum district have today woke up in somber mood following the death of one of their local members who was discovered dead in his grass thatched  house.

Lifeless Arop Daniel aged 39 was today in the morning discovered hanging  on a rope by his wife who had just returned from Kungul  village  Omiya-Pacuha  sub -county  in Agago district from picking their daughter who was living with their relatives.

Okema Samuel, one of the locals told favour FM that the deceased recently had a misunderstanding with his wife who reported  him to the elders to tame Arop, now deceased, not to spending the  money they had raised  from selling one of their butchered cow on Christmas day on drinking but to keep for paying school fees for their children.

Okema further stated that the elder had resolved this disagreement and since then, the pair were reportedly living in harmony  however the deceased  were yesterday spotted  at Guda  trading centre while drinking alcohol excessively.

Geoffrey Opyet, the Namokora sub county LCIII chairperson Confirmed this incident saying police have visited the scene of crime and have guided the family to bury their son after establishing that the deceased had succumbed to committing sucide by hanging.

Opyet reveals that his people are currently engaging  in  numbers of unliked activities such as alcoholism, rape, theft, fighting  due to persistent invasion of stray animals from Karenga conservation area which destroyed their garden grown and homes, persistent cattle raiding by suspected Karamojong raiders and negative effect of climates change the factors he says has negatively affected the social -economic status and  mental well being  many local. 

Local leaders are now appealing to the development  partners and NGOs in the district, especially those that their operation focuses on psychosocial support to render their services to the people of Namaokora who are battling with adverse mentally challenges.


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