PWDs leaders decries inaccessible buildings for PWDS in Gulu city

Posted on Nov 13, 2023
By LTAuthor


Leaders of persons living with disability in Gulu city have said that the number of new public buildings being established in Gulu city are still inaccessible by the number of people living with disability in Gulu city.

Ojok Patrick Angela, the male councilor representing PWDs in Gulu city says numbers of new building does not have ramps, designated parking yards and hand rails to eases movement of PWDs

Ojok was last Thursday 9th November reading a report on the issues affecting PWDs in Gulu city during the full council meeting

Omara Christo Balmoyi, the Gulu city engineer says all the building plans which are being approved by the Gulu city engineering department together with the building and construction committee of Gulu city entails provision for accessibility for PWDs.

He however admitted that some of the public offices were once a home for an individual before it converted or let out to become the public offices adding that other old structures were established before the enactment of building and control act of 2013.

According to the building control act 2013 and National Physical Accessibility Standard and Requirement, buildings should have the possibility for any person to reach the place, maneuver within it, use a service, participate in activities provided in a public place with dignity, independence and safety on an equal basis with others.


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