Quizzy Beibe Quits Hoods Ent. Australia, Signs Ambassadorial With Generation For Jesus

Posted on Nov 02, 2021
By LTAuthorxxxx


After serving as a promoter for Hoods Entertainment Australia for 8 months, influencer and promoter Quizzy Beibe has quit the entertainment outlet for a juicy ambassadorial deal with Generation For Jesus Gospel Music Label.

Generation For Jesus is a music label founded by celebrated gospel singer, pastor, producer and enterpreneur Kilama George popularly known as Kiddy Face.

The promoter took to Facebook to inform her followers that she is nolonger with Hoods Entertainment Australia 'Am so grateful to announce to u that am now an official brand Ambassador of GENERATION FOR JESUS GOSPEL MUSIC RECORD LABEL,,,,,feel free to reach out to me For more inquiries about the label....Be blessed.

Meanwhile, when asked why she quit her former music label, she said she just made a turning point to gospel music.

According to Quizzy Beibe, she signed a 1 year renewable promotional role contract.

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