Kony's son and mother seeks for second chance to meet president Museveni

Posted on Nov 22, 2023
By LTAuthor


The family of the Lord Resistance Army commander Joseph Kony are seeking to meet president Yoweri Museveni for the second time over their poor living conditions. 

This comes less than three months after the president met with the family at the State House Entebbe shortly after their return captivity and promised to help Kony's family acquire land to carry out agriculture collectively and join the money economy.

Ssalongo Ali Kony, a former commander in the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) rank defected from father's rebellion campaign at the rank of Brigadier in 2022. He returned home with his mother and three children in July this year.

During an interview with Kony's family, his son said that the president had personally promised to rebuild his career in the army and help support his elder brother in finding him a job after a second meeting.

He however said ever since September, his efforts to get in touch with the coordinators of the meeting have been futile adding some haven't answered his repeated calls.

Meanwhile Kony's wife.Cicilian Akullu notes that the family is already struggling to provide food for the young children and pay for their school fees and yet the president had promised to address their challenges.

Akullu added that the president has to grant them another chance to meet so that they present to him their challenges. She notes that with their current dilemma out of captivity, it would be a strong signal for others who are still returning or intending to defect from the LRA.


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