A sex worker only identified as Sarah has retired from service after servicing over 28,000 men. This all happended in her 22 year old carrer.
The nirobi based sex worker is believed to have serviced men in her hometown of Embu, Nairobi city centre and in Majengo area.
She claimed she would service 20 or more men in a day in her younger years. But as age set in, hard economic times and stiff competition she could manage four customers daily. This means an average of 100 per month and for 22 years she took care of over 28,000 men.
“I want to retire and settle down quietly. I am not addicted to a point I will retreat to the streets. No, I just want quiet life with my children and I am not interested in getting a husband.”
The mother of two sons said that her children “respect me and I suspect they know I am a sex worker. They have prayed that I shift from what I am doing. I wish my children do not get into this business or seek sex from prostitutes.
When she announced Her retirement, Sarah received a parcel of land in Makuyu, Muranga’s County. Some well wishers have also promised to pool fund to build her a house.