Agago Man Arrested for Stabbing Colleague to death Over Ugx1000

Posted on Nov 01, 2023
By LTAuthor


Okwera Tarasisto, 53 and a peasant of Nyer Ikan South village in Agago District succumbed to deep injuries he sustained after being stabbed several times.

The suspect identified as Okello Aldo Akech, 32 a peasant of Ocoyo Lamero village Kaket Parish, Lapono sub county used a knife to stab the deceased after they developed a misunderstanding over ugx 1000.

It's said that the suspect repaired the padlock of the victim for Ugx 2000, which he demanded from the victim. The victim gave him Ugx 1000 and asked him to return the balance of Ugx 1000 later, but the suspect turned violent while demanding the full amount.

”He then grabbed a knife from the victim, chased and stabbed him, on the left side of the rib. Several members of the community responded, arrested the suspect and took him to the LC1 Chairperson. They also tried to rush the victim to the hospital, but he unfortunately died on the way to Kalongo hospital and the body returned home,” says Police.

”An angry mob attacked the suspect, but he was rescued by the police from Lapono police post. The exhibit of a knife was recovered,” says Police adding;

”We strongly condemn such acts of elderly abuse and impunity within the community where perpetrators of violence, transfer their anger on innocent elderly persons. We are going to fast-track this violent murder through the courts of law and ensure the suspect is punished.”

According to the Territorial Police in Aswa region and Agago District, they have arrested and detained the suspect and will be charged for murder. This incident happened on the 23.10.2023 at 2:30pm.


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