Kids Have Talent Show Launched In Gulu City, WInners Rewarded

Posted on Jan 30, 2023
By LTAuthor


Kids Have Talent Show under the theme ''Discovering Talent'' has been officially launched in Gulu City on Saturday, 28, January 2023.

Organized by Delight Multimedia in partnership with Hanli Uganda to give a big opportunity for kids to showcase their talents and get exposed to their audience.

According to Kids Have Talent CEO, this program is to help those children who have talent to come up express their talent to the audience which is the bracket age of theirs and also develop the kids talent because never know tomorrow once they are natured very well from the beginning they would be the next future of the music/entertainment industry.

"The reason why we have organized this event 'Kids Have Talent' we are targeting young kids and age bracket is from 4-13 years. Why are we targeting that year is simply there is a lot of events today which happens whereby a parent can not take a child there so we creating a platform for these kids; to develop their talent because tomorrow you never know once this talent is natured from the beginning they have a future and they will change the entertainment industry simply because they were guided from the beginning."' - CEO Kids Have Talent, Otim John Sliver.

"It also keep them at school because once a parent support a child in what they are doing that child will be listening to their parents and always they will be obedient. To help those children who have talent to come up express their talent to their audience which is the bracket age of theirs." - He stated.

The winners from event were rewarded prizes like sportbikes, school bags to start with their new team.

Otim also said that this event being first of its kind in Northern Uganda, it will be happening every after holidays and the main final will be in December. 


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