Museveni appoints Maj Gen Otto new operation shuuja commander, replaces Maj Gen Dick Olum

Posted on May 13, 2024
By LTAuthor

Major General Richard Otto has been appointed the new Commander of the Mountain Division and Operation Shuuja. 

This appointment marks a pivotal moment in military leadership, as Major General Otto takes charge of overseeing these crucial operations.

Maj Gen Otto replaces Maj Gen Dick Olum who has been the commander of Operation Shuuja in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Dr. Congo).

Meanwhile, Major General Dick Olum has stepped into the role of leadership at the South Sudan Stabilisation Mechanism. This position was previously held by Major General Otto, who represented Uganda in this capacity.

The changes come amidst efforts to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness within the military structure. 

Major General Otto's new role brings with it a wealth of experience and strategic insight, while Major General Olum's appointment signals continuity and expertise in handling stabilization efforts in South Sudan.

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