Odokonyero David Ocira aka Daudi Wa is an Uganda recording Gospel artist (Born of 23rd, Oct 1992) in Okoco-Kabila village, Te-Nam Sub-county, Aruu South county, Pader District.
Daudi Wa is a Born again son of the only one in the families of Christianity, though some are nonbelievers and Islam. He learned to sing, act and appreciated music at a very early age.
Initially, Daudi Wa chose drumming local drums (but kwaro) to express his musical creativity and talent at the age of 11years older and later he developed a love for singing and directing.
He quickly became the obvious choice for the musical director of the WA INSPIRATIONAL GOSPEL SINGING MINISTRY.
His music direction was inspiring and dynamic. If describing Daudi Wa in one word. It would be anointed Daudi Wa is truly a multi-gifted individual, He is a Gospel singer, Preacher of the holy words of lord God and musicians.
DAUDI WA truly has ministry at the heart of all he does. Daudi Wa unique ministries and style of praise and worship, has electrified the audience, offering them an original and blessed praise and worship experience with a vocal ability that's none comparable and morale by many.
Wa Inspirational Gospel Singing Ministry is an association which is directed by Daudi Wa, Is an association of Christians Singer banded together for fellowship and services. The ministry started on 24th, September 2012 as a voluntary organization as a Christian who could only sing in Church. But later in 2015 the ministry as was so inspiring by many with some support from Dr.Thomas Odong of 5th division barrack achol pii pader district in recognition he sponsored one audio and video this marked my first song known as (ALONE WITH GOD). Wa Inspirational Gospel Singing Ministry
THE PURPOSE OF MINISTRY TO THE COMMUNITY AND FOR LORD GOD. 1). Is the channel for communicating the Biblical Truths to the listeners.
2). Believe it to be safe, " It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.
3). Charitable work to the local community,e.g in health centers, schools, and Elders.
E-mail daudiwaministry or E-mail davidocira67@gmail.com.WhatsApp +256789805870.
973 plays | 282 Downloads
571 plays | 114 Downloads
738 plays | 176 Downloads
552 plays | 102 Downloads