Holiday Students in Gulu launch environmental campaign to keep them away from criminality

Posted on Dec 31, 2023
By LTAuthor


A section of students from Gulu city who are currently at home for a holiday have initiated an environmentally sensible campaign dubbed "keep Gulu city clean.".

The campaign being spearheaded by students targets any willing youth whether those at school or even those who have dropped out of school to come together every Sunday to clean a selected cell within any division in Gulu city.

As part of keeping Gulu city clean, these students collect plastic wastes which are improperly dumped in open places within the city, they clear the closed trenches, and also slash the bushy area to keep serenity and hygiene of the city 

On Sunday 24 December during the Christmas eve, a total of 9 students accompanied by other members of the community cleaned Layibi centre in Laroo-Pece division, the area which has tons of improperly disposed plastic waste.

It is estimated that Gulu city produces about 53 to 65 tons of plastic waste on a monthly basis.

Prior to AA driving school, they provided These environment sensitive students with some protective gear such as a hand gloves reflector jacket and face mask to protect them from contracting diseases from hazardous wastes they were collecting.

The wastes which were collected by these students were carried by Gulu city council cabbages truck which was on the ground during the activities.

Lawino Mona Lisa Angel, the S4 student from Sacred Heart Secondary school Gulu city says their initiative originated from one of the student seminar they attended at Ocer Campion Jesuit college where they were taken through role of a good citizen

Lawino noted that involving youth in cleaning their environment will keep them away from engaging in wrong doing.
Obina Jacob, a S4 student from Sir Samuel Baker secondary school realized that the majority of people in Gulu city are still ignorant about proper waste management.

He however implores residents to start embracing proper waste management and also utilize the available garbage skip in Gulu city for its purpose.

Akello patience, a S6 leaver from St. John Pope Paul College Laliya rallies everyone in Gulu city to join this keep Gulu city clean campaign   as they fear that these students may go back to school.

However, Peter Banya, the resident city commissioner in charge of Laroo-Pece division in Gulu applauded these students for being patriotic and for embracing   positive thinking.

Banya pledged a total support to theses initiative saying that his office is going to concretize the idea so that they can get support and build the initiative for generation.

He rallies the political leaders in Gulu city to support this initiative so that even if these youths have gone back to school the initiative would still stand.


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