Youngfric Starts Up New Music Label, Searching For Three Fresh Talent

Posted on Mar 28, 2023
By LTAuthor


Singer Youngfric real name Okeny Nelson John recently left Mullawekka record label and opened new record label called Gun Shot Music.

He revealed that he decided to rebrand himself as he make a return in the industry with different version and focuses after almost a year out without releasing any song for his fans under Mullawekka record label.
In a bit to expand his label, Youngfric is looking for three raw talents to recruit to his music label Gun Shot Music.
Although his record label has just been opened, the singer said that he signed singer Trip Otrip as the first artist under the record label.
The Australia based singer finally made a serious come back into the music game with a brand new song titled Vuvuzela and you can download it here<>>

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