We don't want Bobi Wine in Agago and Acholi - Bosmic Otim tells voters

Posted on Jan 19, 2025
By LTAuthor


Musician Bosmic Otim has warned the National Unity Platform President Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu alias Bobi Wine never to step in Agago and Northern Uganda at large during his countrywide campaign tours for 2026.

Over time, Bosmic has accused Bobi Wine of using and sidelining him out of peanut butter tin after all the sacrifices he made.

Through a video clip shared on his YouTube channel, the presidential advisor is seen telling the community of Agago never to welcome the presidential candidate in their area.

Bosmic Otim however recalled the past incident that happened to him in Gulu while he was still under the NUP as the chief mobilizer where he was arrested and tortured by security personnel and Bobi Wine didn't come to his rescue.

Here are some of the remarks from Bosmic Otim;

"We don't want Bobi Wine in Agago, we don't want Bobi Wine in Acholi, we don't want Bobi Wine in Northern Uganda. We have so many reasons..so many..a lot of reasons,'' ''Today I talk with a lot of hangers. Bobi Wine is not welcome in Agago, in Acholi no... Reason number one; Bobi Wine is only to confuse our people, confusing youth, misleading our youth, and when you get into problems, you will not see Bobi Wine. You will go alone to the police cell. I have evidence when Bobi Wine still needs you, he is a friend but once you are in trouble you will not see him. The best example is here Bosmic Otim is one who brought people power NUP in Northern Uganda. Bosmic Otim is the one who brought Bobi Wine and went everywhere in Northern Uganda but you all saw what happened to Bosmic from Gulu...real blood all over my body.''


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