Jenneth Prischa dedicates her NUMA award to fans

Posted on Jan 07, 2025
By LTAuthor

Celebrated Northern Uganda diva and Lakubukubu star, Jenneth Prischa has dedicated her female artist of the year 2024 award to her fans who supported her music.

Jenneth Prischa was up against stiff competition from her fellow female acts Pretty B, Sherry Princess, Liama and Vera.

The Imega hitmaker has maintained her stay on the top spot for two consecutive years as the best female artist.

In 2023, she was crowned the female artist of the year and again in 2024, she emerged best female artist of the year.

While celebrating her achievement, Prischa took to Facebook where she thanked her fans and dedicated her to every person who believed in her music.

She, however, said that she is so grateful for the opportunity to share her voice with the world.

"This is a dream come true," "To be recognized by my peers is an incredible honor," "This award belongs to everyone who believed in my music," "I'm so grateful for the opportunity to share my voice with the world," "This is just the beginning. Thank you for letting me sing my heart out.". To my family, friends, and fans, thank you for always believing in me." Music is my passion, and to be able to share it with you is a gift." "This award is a testament to countless hours of practice and dedication." 
 Never stop chasing your dreams, no matter how difficult it seems."The only thing better than singing is more singing."  
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." "Where words fail, music speaks."

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