Fresh Kid Former Manager Francis In Trouble, Kicks Out Of The House

Posted on Feb 07, 2020
By LTAuthorxxxx


Fresh Kid former manager, Francis Kamoga is swimming in huge debt, he has been kicked out of the house in Kiwanda.

Ever since Fresh Kid manager contract was terminated by Fresh Kid parents, he has never had a joyful life for a couple of months now.

At first, he started by losing his songwriter 14k Bwongo, who quit his group Da Texas and Fresh Kid followed shortly. He was now remaining with his dancers named De Texas dancers under his management but rumours indicate that the dancers have also left.

However, it is publicized that the house is for 500k  monthly but he has not paid rent for a couple of months. They were ordered to pack a few belongings and leave the house.

Francis took care of the kids and operated the group as an NGO. The kids say Francis has abandoned them and he is not bothered.

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