Artist Manager Dies After Eating Poison In Bweyale

Posted on Jan 20, 2023
By LTAuthor


Bweyale music fraternity and Northern Uganda at large have been thrown in mourning today after learning about the dismiss of  Spanner Sp Unit's manager Innocent Okello Ocigo.

It's alleged that Lakubukubu singer manager ate the poison on Thursday evening and was rushed to Gateway Clinic in Karuma for necessary medical attention but he didn't make it.

Spanner Sp Unit said his manager Innocent Okello Ocigo succumbed to food poison.

"Please heavenly father why me always 😭 😭😭😭😭rest in peace my brother my manager. I have nothing to say 😭😭😭😭." - heartbroken Spanner posted.

The Laber Mon singer said that his body is already spoiling and will be laid to rest tomorrow Saturday at his parents home in Palenga, Omoro District.


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