RnB singer BeePee Celebrates Birthday In France

Posted on Jun 30, 2022
By LTAuthor


Renowned RnB singer Munu Benard Paul popularly known as BeePee yesterday turned a year older and he took to social media to share good news to his fans.

The singer decided to celebrate his day in Strasbourg, France where he posted photos of himself in front of the biggest cathedral in Europe following with captions.

"Thank you all for reaching out to me on my birthday, I love you all. I had my birthday in Strasbourg, France and visited the biggest cathedral in Europe, a blessing!''

Lots of messages and well-wishes from fans poured in for the singer on his big day.

The 'Par Pira' singer came into the lime light after releasing his hit songs; Akello, Par Pira and Tica and which saw winning a couple of accolades and  dominating airwaves.


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